Understanding of NodeJS Async functions

Having a good understanding of NodeJS Async functions is key to writing basic NodeJS applications. This post is my understanding of asynchronous functions while using NodeJS. This is not a starter tutorial But talks about some best practices and tips for writing some code. One of those reflections of my learnings MYTHS of NODEJS ASYNC First, let us …

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Prelaunch WordPress checklist – Performance and Security

Before launching any website, its always good to have a proper checklist. This post is the checklist, which I use before the launch of any web application. I have fine tuned this one for WordPress based websites. So let’s call it WordPress checklist. The focus, as usual, is performance and security. WordPress checklist – Performance …

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Improve Pagespeed – Achieve 100/100 for a WordPress site

Site speed is critical for Google SEO settings. But that is only a secondary reason. Losing customer due to slow loading times is more the primary issue. Half a decade ago, PageRank was the buzzword. Now it’s Pagespeed. There are a lot of best practices talked about everywhere on the web. This post focuses on …

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Setting up a dedicated server Part 2 : Proxmox 5 + ZFS + Shorewall +Open VPN

This is in continuation of part 1 of “Setting up a dedicated server”. In this part, the focus is on Why Shorewall? First things that must come to mind, when securing a system is the firewall. Not that a firewall would secure the system against hacking, but it’s the basic bare minimum security, which is …

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Setting up a dedicated server Part 1 : Proxmox 5 + ZFS + Shorewall +Open VPN

UPDATE: Part 2 has been updated. Keeping the spirit of the Journal, I believe, it’s appropriate to document every bit of learning. So starting up a multi-part series on setting up a new dedicated server with I what need for all my little technical experiments. While the world is moving towards cloud and VPS, I …

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