Understanding of NodeJS Async functions

Having a good understanding of NodeJS Async functions is key to writing basic NodeJS applications. This post is my understanding of asynchronous functions while using NodeJS. This is not a starter tutorial But talks about some best practices and tips for writing some code. One of those reflections of my learnings MYTHS of NODEJS ASYNC First, let us …

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Prelaunch WordPress checklist – Performance and Security

Before launching any website, its always good to have a proper checklist. This post is the checklist, which I use before the launch of any web application. I have fine tuned this one for WordPress based websites. So let’s call it WordPress checklist. The focus, as usual, is performance and security. WordPress checklist – Performance …

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Improve Pagespeed – Achieve 100/100 for a WordPress site

Site speed is critical for Google SEO settings. But that is only a secondary reason. Losing customer due to slow loading times is more the primary issue. Half a decade ago, PageRank was the buzzword. Now it’s Pagespeed. There are a lot of best practices talked about everywhere on the web. This post focuses on …

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Setting up a dedicated server Part 2 : Proxmox 5 + ZFS + Shorewall +Open VPN

This is in continuation of part 1 of “Setting up a dedicated server”. In this part, the focus is on Why Shorewall? First things that must come to mind, when securing a system is the firewall. Not that a firewall would secure the system against hacking, but it’s the basic bare minimum security, which is …

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Progressive commercialisation of R&D efforts

This is a cross-post from my original LinkedIn article. Commercialisation or monetisation of IP/R&D efforts is the ‘key’ word in the world of research. Unfortunately, it is often associated only with the long-term technology strategy of organisationS. It only remains as a lagging indicator for the success of the R&D investments. While many organisations have …

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Micromanagement – What is it good for?

Reading this post shared by Mr Oleg Vishnepolsky on Linkedin made me thinking about micromanagement. The reflection is this post. One of the hats I wear in my organisation is technology consultant. This role gives me the opportunity to interact with many managers and their subordinates across different organisations and in different geographies. Culture is one …

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Setting up a dedicated server Part 1 : Proxmox 5 + ZFS + Shorewall +Open VPN

UPDATE: Part 2 has been updated. Keeping the spirit of the Journal, I believe, it’s appropriate to document every bit of learning. So starting up a multi-part series on setting up a new dedicated server with I what need for all my little technical experiments. While the world is moving towards cloud and VPS, I …

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Start of a New Journal

Going by the tradition, It is expected to be hello world… While not the first post, it’s one of the first after a long break. [code lang=”C”] printf("Hello World!"); [/code] I believe, its ideal, that I show it in C language. Whether its Go or Javascript or Python or Perl, whatever I try to write …

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